Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thinking about home

As I woke up this morning I realized that we only have two more full days in Australia.  As they say, "all good things must come to an end"...  It's be a fabulous vacation so far and we have the Blue Mountains today and a "misc stuff "day tomorrow with the ABBA concert in the afternoon as a highlight.
So we'll be home in a few days, after spending 2 days in San Francisco to help with the time change adjustment (and because that's when I could get the free flight on NWA...) then back to the daily grind.  In some ways that will be nice, but in others....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to miss you guys , Wish you didnt have to go , sniff sniff .
Here I go again with the tears , I'm real good with the tears , sorry .
Take care going home and come visit us again wont you ?.
PS , Dont let Mary peek at her birthday gifts please Bill , you can give them to her the night before so she can open them at midnight if she wants , thanks