Friday, June 21, 2024



We had a typical early morning routine, arriving in Norfolk. But our docking location was right across from the USS Wisconsin! Of course I had to visit it. On the left is the view of it from our ship. And I had to take the classic look back from the bow. I did the self-guided tour since none of the guided tours would work out with our scheduled excursion.  It was nice, as  I enjoyed walking around the ship, and seeing a lot that was below decks.  It was not very well marked so I had to do a lot of back-tracking. But, overall, it was very enjoyable.  

Our afternoon scheduled excursion was a boat tour of the harbor on the Victory Rover.  Docked near our ship were several ships undergoing refurbishment (see the helicopter carrier on the left).  When we reached the naval base, along with  a large number of supporting ships, there were lots of cruisers and destroyers in port (picture on the right) and even two nuclear subs (picture bottom left).  
But the highlight was seeing the USS Gerald R Ford, the largest carrier in the US  Navy fleet (bottom right).   
It was a superb 2-hour ride past the naval station and back.  

We enjoyed a nice dinner this evening, Mary had a huge plate of scallops while I had fish and chips.  Nothing special planned for this evening, but we will follow the Tigers game and will watch game 6 of the Stanley Cup. Go Oilers!
Sea Day tomorrow!


Nancy Howard said...

The ocean water looks so nice and refreshing compared to the hot Michigan weather right now. Glad to hear you enjoyed the ship tour. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Wow - all those ships are sure impressive! Sounds so interesting. Love seeing military ships and planes.
Keep on having fun! Gail

Anonymous said...

A great day enjoying the ships Bill , I'm glad you enjoyed . Enjoy your holiday , Pat