Saturday, February 18, 2017

Hawaii Cruise Day 12 - Third of Five At Sea

Our smooth sailing came to an end as we had some fairly rough seas last night and into today.  Guess we have caught up to that big storm.  We heard a lot of flights at LAX were cancelled, but hopefully that will clear up by Wednesday when we fly home.
The big event of the morning was a live taping of "The Wake Show",  a daily TV show listing events of the day, hosted by the cruise director with guest visits from various Princess personnel.  You can answer a "Question of the Day" and include a shout-out on the form.  Mary submitted one for my buying John Denver tickets a few days ago, and yesterday asked the host to sing "Country Roads", which he did! Normally the show is taped in private, but today it was hosted in the main atrium with a live audience.  It was neat to see, and Mary and I were shown on camera a few times.  Hopefully we won't end up on the cutting room floor.
We enjoyed a British Pub Lunch today (fish and chips) but did not have many afternoon activities so it was very quiet and restful.  The evening meal was Italian night.  I had a delicious pot roast while Mary had shrimp and scallops.  No theater show this evening so we'll watch a movie or two in our cabin. 


Anonymous said...

Way to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of sea days on this cruise. Hope the seas are calmer so you can enjoy them! I've been enjoying your blog - sounds like you are having a lot of fun. Hopefully you'll go home to nice weather - it's going to be in the 50's here this week! Gail

Anonymous said...

Yay , Mary did get her song , I bet their were smiles from her .
the meal looks nice Bill