Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Last Full Day in Florida

All good things do come to an end, and that is true of our vacation since we are flying home tomorrow. 

The main activity for today was playing golf.  The day started out as typical, with some sleeping in, breakfast, et al.  The only concern was that a rain storm was predicted for early evening.  I left by 10:30 to meet my golf buddy John Olson at his house.  We got to the course well before the 12:05 tee time, only to find out the course was backed up.  Once we started playing, I spotted three alligators. The one pictured on the right looked to be about 12' long.
As is typical in Florida, play was quite slow.  So slow that we we still on the course at 5:10 and got caught in a torrential downpour as we were finishing the 18th hole - both John and I were totally soaked. 
Mary was able to do most of her packing this afternoon after doing some beach-walking and sunning by the pool.
Due to the storm, no sunset pictures tonight.  This could be the last blog st of this trip unless something noteworthy happens tomorrow. Hopefully our drive to Tampa, flight home, etc all goes smooth. 


Nancy Howard said...

Good Mary had a nice walk and pool time while you were golfing. Interesting that you saw alligators. Good that you got your golfing mostly done by the time it rained. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Wow - that IS slow play! People don't mind alligators on the golf course there? That's a big one! Glad you were able to play all 18 holes even though you got soaked at the end.
Safe travels home! Gail

Anonymous said...

A shame good things have to end Bill, thanks for the blogs and take care going home . Nice you had a bit of golf .Hoping it won’t be too hard leaving the warmth . Pat