Thursday, February 13, 2025

Florida Day 3

A short blog since not much happened today, just more time in the sun.  We drove around Manasota Key to see the remaining hurricane damage.  We drove up to where the bridge was washed out so you need to use the southern bridge for one part of the island and the northern bridge for that part. 
The picture on the right shows some of the left over hurricane damage along the beach. 

We did visit the Englewood Farm market, but did not buy much, just 1 grapefruit and two scones.  We spent the afternoon by the pool .  While we were there, some people spotted a dolphin out in the bay, which we enjoyed watching.  I'm playing online bridge this evening while rooting for the USA hockey team to beat Sweden in the Four Countries match.
So another peaceful day comes to an end.  Tomorrow is a day trip to Bocca Grande and the Gasparilla Island State Park, which is near Fort Myers. 


Anonymous said...

Sad the damage done from the hurricane Bill , must be so upsetting to see the damage . A beautiful sunset over the beach . Enjoy the holiday ..Hoping your hockey team wins

Nancy Howard said...

You take beautiful sunset pictures. Nice that you are enjoying pool time. Nancy