Thursday, June 26, 2008

Visiting the Opera House

This morning Mary and I toured the Sydney Opera House.  It was a very enjoyable and informative tour.  They included several videos about how the design was selected, construction issues, and current issues.  The story was quite amazing as were many of the construction details.
We did see the theater where John Denver performed (which made someone very happy), but were unable to take pictures of it since a band was rehearsing. 
On our way out Mary spotted a poster about an ABBA Concert called Bjorn Again.  She was disappointed that we could not see them in Detroit since they were appearing in June while we were in Australia.  I looked and saw they were performing on June 28th, this coming Saturday.  Since that was a somewhat open day, we bought tickets for the afternoon matinee so now we will actually attend a performance in the Opera House!  Very cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G-day Mate. I just had to log in and tell you how much your pictures remind me of my trip to Australia when Ethan was 4 and a half years old. Specifically, I want to say that that HAT becomes you. I am serious!!! You look like an Ozzie. Ihope the remainder of your trip is great.

G-day Mate!

Bonnie Shirley