Sunday, June 22, 2008

Heading out from Cairns

I'm uploading some more pictures today. They'll be in the Slideshow on my blog page as well as my picass album (link on blog page). Unfotunately, I forgot to put some of Mary's Great Barrier Reef pictures on my USB drive so those will have to wait to be uploaded
We had a quiet day today. Went to Trinity Lutheran this morning. It was nice to attend a solid liturgical Lutheran service. The liturgy was close to our Matins, except it had the Apostles Creed in it. The pastor had a solid sermon around the topic of Baptism.
This afternoon we sat by the pool, relaxed, did laundry, and not much else. It's nice to have a quiet day in the middle of a trip.
Tomorrow we fly to Sydney. We have a few plans, but I plan to layout a tentative schedule tomorrow once I assess the weather.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Actually, our Matins service has the Apostles' Creed now, too. At least, last Sunday at the 11:00AM (non-Communion) service, we used the Apostles' Creed. In the Hymnal, the Nicene (sp?) Creed was also an option, but we used the Apostles' Creed.