Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Skagway and Hanes

On Tuesday we visited Skagway, one of the 3 cities in lower Alaska that has roads to the outside world. Rain greeted us in the morning and we had spotty showers all day. 
Our excursion took us to Hanes by fast ferry, a 45 minute ride.  Andy and Melissa, our son and daughter-in-law, had a similar excursion and were on the same ferry with us which was nice. After a bus ride to our rafts, we set out for a 1 1/2 hour float through Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve.  We experienced rain, sun, clouds, wind and just about every other type of weather on our float.
We were well bundled up as the temperature was in the low 50's and very windy.  My favorite Australian hat thought that the river looked so inviting it jumped off my head and took a dip, but was quickly rescued. 

Eagles, eagles and more eagles!  At one point we had 5 of them flying near us! Lots of views of eagles sitting in trees or on sand bars, even one in her arie (nest).  Here's another one of a mother and a young eaglet (their heads do not turn white until age 5). 


Anonymous said...

WOW! What an adventure! Hope you're feeling better and all the cool wet temps haven't made it worse. So glad they could rescue your great hat!! (side note: at least it wasn't glasses, did you bring an extra set, just in case..lol). Mary does look all bundled up. Hope you have as much fun...or more...today. Sylvia

Anonymous said...

Another lot of great photos Bill , loved them . I am SO GLAD you still have your aussie hat , Whew , that was close . It was nearly time to come back to get another ha . Enjoy the cruise