Sunday, June 15, 2014

Land of the Midnight Sun

We are south of the main part of Alaska and the sun sets at 10:39 p.m. and rises at 4:22 am, we have been wondering what it looked like, wondering if it ever gets dark.  I was unfortunate enough to wake up at 2:48 this morning so I took the opportunity to look outside and see what it looked like.  I was quite surprised at the sight so I grabbed my camera and snapped this shot. 

So I guess this really is the land of the midnight sun!


Anonymous said...

I was watching the bridge cam last night (till 3am here) and it looked kinda like sunset, not as bright as the shots are today. Watched as you all left port and got out into maybe Prince Wm Sound. At least I couldn't see land anymore. The photo is amazing! Sylvia

Anonymous said...

Lovely shot . Happy Anniversary to you and Mary . Have a great day

Gail said...

Beautiful shot! I hope everyone is enjoying the cruise so far. Happy anniversary!