Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Next Trip

Now that we're back I get a lot of question about "What's next"?  I typically have some idea of our next trip by the time we go on one, but this trip took so much I did not focus on anything else.
But now that we're home, we've talked about it we're thinking Key West would be a nice place to visit this winter.  As to timing, we might go after Christmas or we might go in February during Mary's spring break from school.  Only time will tell....
Until then, probably not much activity on this page unless we take a weekend trip somewhere this fall.  You never know when the travel urge might strike...


Anonymous said...

Key West looks great . You guys sure have the travel bug .
Loved the Great Barrier Reef video

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill.....I am enjoying your blog .... still looking....
Neighbor Ann :+)