Friday, October 4, 2024

First Driving Day Home

At breakfast this morning, Mary asked "What towns are we driving past today?" I looked and notice Scranton, PA. Since we are both fans of The Office, I did a search and found there was an Office Gift Shop, so we decided to see it.  As we drove into town on the Joseph R Biden Expressway, we missed getting a picture of the Welcome to Scranton sign (as seen in the opening of the show) as it flew by too fast.  Bummer!  After much searching we found the gift shop inside a restaurant, and took a selfie with some cutouts.  They had some very interesting items for sale like a Dunder-Mifflin ID badge and a can of Schrute Farm beets, but we passed on buying anything. 

Besides that stop, our drive through western New York and Eastern Pennsylvania was pretty uneventful.  We did encounter some low clouds early on, but it cleared up as we got into the Pocono Mountains.  At the higher elevations we did see some tree color changing (picture on right). There were quite a few road construction zones, but only one had a backup and took a few minutes to clear.

I checked and did not see any places of interest on our 4 hour drive to Kent, OH tomorrow; nothing on the order of Scranton, PA!


Anonymous said...

I was reading the ‘Travel’ paragraph on your page. It says you’ve done over 20 cruises. What’s the count now?

Nancy Howard said...

Fun pictures with the office cut outs. Pocono mountain pictures are pretty. Nancy

Pat said...

I live seeing you both in that picture , beautiful colours in the tree on your drive . Pat