Monday, January 8, 2018

Mexican Riviera Cruise Day 7 - Mazatlan

We had an early excursion this morning, a bus trip showing us the highlights of Mazatlan.  We were driven through "The Golden Zone", filled with 4- and 5-star hotels with beach views.  There was a shopping stop which included tasting Mexico's own Pacifico beer.  Also we saw a cliff diver (amazing!), lots of rocky coastline, and a pretty cathedral.  
After  having burgers for having lunch on our balcony, I played goofy carpet bowling (think bocci with lopsided balls) and then golf putting.  I came in tied for 2nd in both events. After sail-away we went to dinner (Italian night!) and then watched the NCAA championship game.  

Cabo San Lucas tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow , that cathedral is beautiful , hoping the beer was nice Bill
The diver is amazing , I saw this on our Get Away show once . Have fun with the games . Pat