Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venice Gondola Ride

Today we took a gondola ride on a beautiful, sunny Venice morning. It was so relaxing to be paddled through the narrow canals.

We started out touring the narrow side canals. Our gondolier said how there were no bridges over canals until the 1700's so everyone moved about by boat. Now there are about 400 bridges. It's a Venice tradition to kiss as you pass under any bridge and we did... 8-)

The third picture shows how big the Grand Canal is at places. We were only on it for a short time as there was a lot of boat traffic, busses, trucks, motorboats and, of course, other gondolas. Yes, all were watercraft. LOL

Time to say "good bye" to Venice. Now to check out and get our water taxi to the ship! The next post will be from the Pacific Princess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh the fun traveling by boat so close to buildings , I hope you got lots of kisses going under the bridges . Have fun ! Pat