At last a sea day! After breakfast I did Zumba and Mary walked, and then visited the cruise close-out sale. There was aTex-Mex buffet lunch that Melissa is interested in so we gave it a try today and enjoyed our meals.
After lunch we read, and I participated in an Octoberfest contest - beer stein holding. I was hoping the winner could drink the beer in the steins, but that was not in the cards. The contestants had to hold a pair of water-filled beer steins at arm's length! I came in second and won a Princess lanyard.
Dinner tonight was very good. We ate in the dining room and had a humorous waiter.
We are now in the St Lawrence seaway and have land on both sides of us. The water is also noticeably smoother so no need for the seasickness wrist-bands tonight.
On to Quebec!