Saturday, February 24, 2024

Tiger Baseball


Today we drove to Lakeland to see the Tigers play the Yankees in their first spring training game.   Before the start of the game they announced the temperatures in Detroit (27), New York(43) and Lakeland (73), then thanked the crowd for their wise decision to be in Lakeland. 
If you look at the lineup card on the right you'll see that only 4 "name" Tigers started.  And once they got to the 6th inning, they substituted for every player.  
But was a great day with super good seats, right behind home plate.  It was sunny (and we were in he shade) and a comfortable temperature.  

The Yankees scored early and often and had multiple base running in every inning.  The Tigers had a few good innings, but ended up losing 22-10.   
But it was a nice outing, even if we did have to fight some heavy Florida traffic there and back.  

Tomorrow is a Jim Curry Music concert as we continue to enjoy our vacation.


Anonymous said...

I only recognized a couple of Yankee names. Hope they continue to win when it counts!
Enjoy the concert tomorrow. Gail

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were in the right place since its so cold back home . I'm glad you enjoyed the game even if the Tigers lost .
Enjoy the concert next . Pat

Nancy Howard said...

It is always fun to watch the Tigers in warm beautiful weather.