Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Florida Day 2

Our main activity today was a Tiger Preseason game.  It took nearly 3 hours to drive there from Stuart, FL.  The drive was going quite well until the rain started, and kept getting harder and harder!  At one point we stopped to check the weather forecast, and fortunately the rain was supposed to stop by noon (for a 1:05 game) so we headed on to the ballpark.  We were expecting a nice warm day, but the rain dropped the temperature to the low 50's and we were dressed in t-shirts and shorts.  After a quick change to warmer clothes, we headed into the game.
The game got off to a rough start with 2 walks and a 3 run homer by the Blue Jays.  The Tigers did get a couple of runs but ended up losing 5-2.  So we headed to our hotel for the night.
Tomorrow we're going to Ft Myers where we're planning some sight-seeing and a dinner with a former DTE work friend.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no , you didn't get warm weather for the game and I'm thinking your team lost , Not good Bill . Hope having dinner with your friend will be nice . Enjoy your holiday . Pat