Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back in the States

The cruise is over. 8-( We had a great time and it was very nice to have our kids along. They enjoyed the cruise as well and have now experienced how great cruising can be.
We just pulled into Fort Lauderdale and are docking so any future updates will be from land.
We had an enjoyable prime rib dinner last night, then sat around and reflected on the cruise over desserts and beverages. After that we retired to our cabins and did our final packing so we could put our suitcases out for pickup. Seeing as how it is rather nippy here this morning I wish I had packed my shorts and worn long pants, but that's the gamble you take.
Today we have a rental car so we'll be touring Fort Lauderdale until we fly back to Detroit this evening. A rental car is nice because it gives you a reasonably secure place for your luggage and costs less that two transfers to the airport. Hopefully it will be warm - and sunny - enough to spend some time on a nice beach. If not there are other things to do in town.
That's it for now! Pictures will be on my picassa page in a few days.

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